Kaathirupaen Unakaaha [ දමිළ ]
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නිකුත් වූ දිනය : 1977-07-04
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The plot revolves around a love triangle, which unfolds into a tragedy.   Raji loves Raja, Raja however is in love with Shantha. The plot twists further as Raji's brother Kannan and Raja's sister Vanita fall in love with each other.   Knowing that Raja is in love with Shantha and is about to marry her, Raji's brother Kannan rapes Vanita in order to blackmail Raja into marrying Raji. By tradition in Tamil culture once a girl is raped or has had sexual relations with a man she has to marry him or she is shunned by society.   The rest of the story unravels the choice that Raja makes. Does he break Shantha's heart and marry Raji to save his sister's life or does he follow his heart at any cost?

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