Suvisi Vivirana / සූවිසි විවරණ
[ Colour 35 mm ]
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Suvisi Vivirana / සූවිසි විවරණ
Not Yet Released
Colorimeter : Colour
Video Format : 35 mm
Category :
Company : Vision Link Media
Main Actor : Jayalath Manorathne
Main Actress : Chandani Seneviratne
Director : Sarath Dharmasiri



1Best Film - Cinema of Tomorrow
4th Derana Film Awards 2016

The Muhurath ceremony for Sarath Dharmasiri’s Suvisi Vivarana was held at the Waters Edge, Battaramulla, on June 27. Produced by Vision Link Media (Pvt) Ltd and assistant directed by Prasanna Ittepana, Sarath himself had written the screenplay for the movie.

Dharmasiri who had made his debut to the spotlight as a novelist has four novels to his name. Though his maiden creation was Sada Sulang (The violent winds) it was his second novel Katu Imbula which caught the eyes and minds of the masses.

He extended his role from novelist to scriptwriter and assistant director with creations like Bogala Saunderis, Chakrayuda, Gini Kirilli (The fire bird) and Bherunda Pakshiya which also won him the award as the best screen playwright.

Speaking at the event Professor Sunil Ariyaratne stated that during an era when there is a vacuum for good stories, Dharmasiri stands out for his role as an exceptional storyteller while Professor Sunanda Mahendra pointed out that the title of the film stems from rituals and is symbolic for its socio-religious content.

“One significant feature in Dharmasiri’s work is that he discovers the past in terms of orientalism,” he said.

A cast with a large number of characters comprises Jayalath Manorathna, Chandanie Senevirathna, Sanath Goonethilake, W. Jayasiri, Damitha Abeyratna, Indika Upamali, Ajith Lokuge, Bertie Nihal Susiripala, Wasanthi Ranwala, G. R. Perera, Giriraj Kaushalya, Richard Manamudali, Malinda Perera and Aanya Manodhi.
Sumedha Liyanage will be the director of photography while Ravindra Guruge will act as the editor. Make up will be handled by Sanjaya Nipunaarachchi and Nalaka Kuruppuarachchi will be t

he art director. The choreographer will be Professor Mudiyense Dissanayaka while Janaka Fonseka will be in charge of the music.

The movie will start shooting in Mawanella soon and hopes to be released in the mid part of next year.

Pictures by Palitha Gunasena




Sumedha Liyanage
Make-up Artists
Sanjaya Nipunaarachchi
Music Director
Janaka Fonseka


Assistant Director
Prasanna Ittepana
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