Ini Avan / ඉනියවන්
[ Colour Cinemascope ]
Film No : 1159
Released Date : 2012-12-21
59% |   2064  Vote(s) | Vote Here
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A thirty year period of war is long enough to create a generation who know nothing but handling a sophisticated weapon. At the end of the war, a large number of young people who joined the LTTE as (child) soldiers were captured and put into rehabilitation centers. They were sent back to their homes after giving
them vocational training under rapid rehabilitation programs. But the life is not easy back home. They were often unwelcome by the villagers. Parents, who lost their sons and daughters during war, naturally hate those who survived. Getting into normal life is therefore a yet another battle for these ex-militants; even harder and
deadlier than that they were previously engaged in. This resistive condition often makes it dicult for them to nd a decent livelihood. Continuous hardships can make them vulnerable to be exploited by agents of illicit trades. Thus, once victimized by forceful recruitment to the war machine, these ‘innocent’ men and women can again be exposed to a vicious cycle of violence and suering. The lm brings this important issue in the form of an independent movie.

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