Sooriya Arana / සූරිය අරණ
[ Colour 35 mm ]
Film No : 1004
Released Date : 2004-01-23
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Sediris, a hunter in a remote village accompany his 10 year old son Tikira, on hunting in order to teach him the trade. Other villagers do not enter the forest as Sediris has scared them with false rumours of ghosts.

Sudden appearance of a monk with a young disciple becomes a threat for Sediris. Various attempts by him to remove the monks fail.

Meanwhile the secret friendship developed between the two boys turns into a strong bond, challenging the adults. Inspired by the little monk, Tikira gradually learns to love animals instead of killing.

Villagers begin to accept the monks despite the threats by Sediris. One day while fleeing away from villagers Sediris accidentally runs onto one of his own gun-traps and loses a limb.

Helpless with six children and two wives, Sediris is surprised to see the monk he hated is there to help them. The bond between two boys becomes inseparable, and Tikira takes a drastic change of life.

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